Sunday, January 27, 2008

backhoes and birthdays

Sigh. He turned 4 this weekend. Which means, he's one year away from going off to school and that I've only been doing this mom thing for 4 years. It's heartbreaking and exciting all at the same time. Gosh, I look back at pictures over the years and can't even imagine that this is still my little boy. Even when he's giving me his "OKAY, mooooooom. I'm smiling, now take the picture," uber fake smile, he's still cute as all get out.

Oh, and you'll be happy to know he got his beloved manure spreader from his Grandma. The world is right once again.

And I had to take a shot of this beautiful stack of pancakes hubby made for breakfast this morning. I so wish he would open up his own little cafe. Yummy stuff.

And I finally got around to hanging up these stacks of 8x10's I've had laying around the house for about a year now. I really love how these collages turned out. Thought I'd share.

1 comment:

RPO Intern said...

Happy belated birthday Tristan! :]